銅邦 Cupron 以色列 美容眠罩
適合人群: 所有人
注意事項: 不要使用含有砂化合物的洗衣粉和清潔劑
"""B.Cupron Technology銅邦技術能令皮膚自生骨膠原及令皮膚增加彈性
1.實驗証明銅邦氧化銅能令皮膚自生骨膠原而令皮膚可以抗衰老及再生。報告“Beneficial Regulation of Fibrillar Collagens, Heat Shock Protein-47, Elastin Fiber Components, Transforming Growth Factor-β 1, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Oxidative Stress Effects by Copper in Dermal Fibroblasts” 刋於Connective Tissue Research科學雜誌。[Exhibit 6]
2.臨床證實Cupron Technology銅邦技術一個月內能令皮膚增加彈性達30%及改善外觀。報告 “ Increase in skin surface elasticity in normal volunteer subjects following the use of copper oxide impregnated socks” 刋於 Skin Research and Technology科學雜誌。[Exhibit 7]""
注意事項: 不要使用含有砂化合物的洗衣粉和清潔劑
"""B.Cupron Technology銅邦技術能令皮膚自生骨膠原及令皮膚增加彈性
1.實驗証明銅邦氧化銅能令皮膚自生骨膠原而令皮膚可以抗衰老及再生。報告“Beneficial Regulation of Fibrillar Collagens, Heat Shock Protein-47, Elastin Fiber Components, Transforming Growth Factor-β 1, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Oxidative Stress Effects by Copper in Dermal Fibroblasts” 刋於Connective Tissue Research科學雜誌。[Exhibit 6]
2.臨床證實Cupron Technology銅邦技術一個月內能令皮膚增加彈性達30%及改善外觀。報告 “ Increase in skin surface elasticity in normal volunteer subjects following the use of copper oxide impregnated socks” 刋於 Skin Research and Technology科學雜誌。[Exhibit 7]""