銅邦 Cupron 以色列 防臭護膚運動襪

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適合人群: 所有人及足部皮膚部患者

"用途廣泛,可治療及預防運動員足(香港腳) 及除腳臭, 也減低真菌傳染給家人的風險
榮獲美國環保居局認証 attachment

注意事項: 不要使用含有砂化合物的洗衣粉和清潔劑

香港潮濕及氣溫高,很多人因工作關係長時間穿著鞋襪,很容易令真菌滋生及窩藏在鞋襪中,雙足便很容易受真菌感染而患香港腳(亦稱” 運動員足”)。患者一般會搽藥膏,但很多有效的皮膚病藥膏都令類固醇,類固醇有一副作用就是令皮膚變薄。雖然香港腳好了,但工作及生活環境不變,加上皮膚薄了,再受感染的機率便會提高。真菌是以孢子延續後代,牠們可以在地板、地毡、牀單等地方存活;令患者家人也連累受感染。
臨牀報告、論文、認證及實例 :

a. 鱗狀剝落 Scaling: 98%
b. 紅班 Erythema: 100%
c. 裂隙 Fissuring: 100%
d. 瘙癢 Itching: 82% (長期是100%)
e. 水皰 Vesicular eruption: 100%
f. 浮腫 Edema: 67% (長期是100%)
*56名病人 ,跟進期為 9天;長期 : 34-46 天
報告刋物: Zatcoff, R.C., Smith, M.S., and Borkow, G. (2008) Treatment of tinea pedis with socks containing copper impregnated fibers. The Foot. 18:136-141.

The efficacy of the socks has been demonstrated in several studies as published in the following peer reviewed manuscripts:

a.Zatcoff, R.C., Smith, M.S., and Borkow, G. (2008) Treatment of tinea pedis with socks containing copper impregnated fibers. The Foot 18:136-41. Tinea pedis, known as Athlete’s foot, is a common fungal infection of the feet. The effectiveness in using copper oxide impregnated socks in treating the common manifestations of tinea pedis, is demonstrated in the clinical study with 66 patients described in this manuscript.[ 足癬,亦被稱為運動員足或香港腳,是常見的足部真菌感染皮膚病。在這個文件中描述了在臨床研究中,66個足癬患者在使用過注入氧化銅的襪子後,治療足癬徵狀的效力。]

b.Borkow, G., Zatcoff, R.C., and Gabbay, J. (2009) Reducing the risk of skin pathologies in diabetics by using copper impregnated socks. Medical Hypotheses 73:883–886. Patients with diabetes have an increased risk of developing skin pathologies that eventually may deteriorate to hard to treat and chronic wounds. Copper is an essential trace element needed for the normal function of many tissues, including the skin and the immune and blood systems. Copper ions released from copper impregnated socks and absorbed through the skin improve the well-being of the skin of diabetic patients by inducing angiogenesis and expression and stabilization of extracellular skin proteins, in addition to their biocidal effect of reducing the risk of fungal and bacterial infection of the diabetic foot . Thus, the use of copper impregnated socks may be used as a preventive modality. [糖尿病患者有機會增加患皮膚病症的風險,最終可能會惡化到難以治療和成為慢性傷口。銅是許多身體組織,包括皮膚、免疫和血液系統所必需的微量元素。銅離子從注入銅的襪子釋放出來,皮膚吸收後會刺激血管生成和穩定細胞外皮蛋白,它們的殺菌效果能減少糖尿病足受真菌和細菌感染的風險。因此,使用注入銅的襪子可被用作一種預防方法。]

c.Borkow, G., Mellibovsky, J.C. (2012) Resolution of skin maladies of the trapped Chilean miners - the unplanned unground copper-impregnated anti-fungal socks “trial”. Archives of Dermatology 148(1):134-6. This manuscript reviews the relief of the foot skin maladies experienced by the Chilean miners while they were trapped underground in conditions very favorable for fungal and bacterial growth, which is probably the best clinical trial possible to demonstrate the high efficacy of Cupron socks in treating foot skin infections.[此文章評論了智利礦工被困井下時,足部皮膚的變化。當他們被困井下時,當時環境非常有利於真菌和細菌的生長,這可能是最好的臨床試驗能夠證明銅邦襪子治療足部皮膚感染的療效。]

d.Gargiulo, M.E., Elías, A.C, and Borkow G. (2012) Analysis of the effect of wearing copper oxide impregnated socks on tinea pedis based on “before and after” pictures – a statistical follow-up tool. The Open Biology Journal 5: 17-22. This publication demonstrates via digital images that patient’s fungal feet infections were treated only by wearing of antifungal socks containing copper oxide. The affected feet areas, in which the tinea pedis infection was manifested by fissuring, scaling, erythema and/or vesicular eruptions, were determined before and after treatment with socks by using ImageTool software. Statistical analysis of these determinations demonstrated a significant reduction in the severity of all 4 endpoints analyzed (p<0.05). [此論文刊載通過數碼影像,去解構患者被真菌感染的腳只穿著含氧化銅的抗真菌治療襪子的治療過程。腳部受影響的範圍,在用襪子治療足癬感染徵狀:開裂,脫屑,紅斑和/或水皰,用ImageTool軟件處理並進行了測定治療前後的狀況。這些統計分析顯示了受感染的嚴重性獲得顯著減輕,包括在所有4個徵狀的分析(P <0.05)。]

e.Borkow, G. (2013) Protection of Soldiers’ Feet by Copper Oxide Impregnated Socks. Advances in Military Technology 8(2):101-108. This article describes the results of a trial conducted with 53 soldiers undergoing intensive basic training. The soldiers used the socks with copper oxide daily for a period of three weeks. At the end of the trial the vast majority of soldiers reported a notorious reduction in their feet skin irritation, itching, and dryness and reduction in foot and sock odor.[ 本文介紹了一個有53名士兵參與接受密集的基礎訓練後的測試結果。士兵們三星期以來每天都穿著氧化銅的襪子。在試驗結束時,絕大多數的士兵報告他們的腳部皮膚紅腫、瘙癢、乾燥、腳和襪子的氣味都顯著減少。]

a.銅邦的專利產品Cupron Cupric Oxide已獲EPA批准註冊
b.多款銅邦襪子獲得多個EPA的公共衛生聲稱(Public Health Claim), 例如:
i.Cupron enhanced fibers/fabric will assist in reducing the spread of T. mentagrophytes (athlete’s foot fungus). [銅邦紡織品能幫助減少T. mentagrophytes(引致運動員足的真菌) 的散播]
ii.Cupron enhanced fibers/fabric will [reduce, inhibit, suppress, kill] 99.9% of T.mentagrophytes (athlethe’s foot fungus) after 12 hours of contact with [sock, bathmats, shoe inserts]. [銅邦纖維所造的(襪子、浴墊、鞋墊)在接觸12小時後能將99.9%T. mentagrophytes(引致運動員足的真菌) (減少、限制、壓制、殺滅)]
iii.Cupron enhanced fibers/fabric significantly reduce(s) 99.9% of T.mentagrophytes, fugus that causes athlete’s foot on the sock. [銅邦纖維襪子能明顯地減少99.9%引致運動員足的真菌]

a.2010年8月5日位於智利科皮亞波的礦井發生礦難,33名礦工被困,全球多國參加救援行動,17天後被拯救人員用鑽探方式找到被困位置,各人都安全但由於礦井內高溫及潮濕,足部都被真菌減染了。Cupron銅邦從鑽孔中提供每人三對含銅纤維的襪子。第65天他們被救上地面並到醫院接受身體檢查,令醫生驚訝的是他們雙足像剝殼雞蛋,真菌感­染完全不藥而癒!荷李活正在拍攝這故事的電影,片名暫定為""""The 33"""";為求真實,銅邦Cupron亦有提供銅纤維襪子作道具。大家留意播影日期。

b.軍人足部受真菌感染是普遍的;在2010年12月,以色列軍方(IDF)經過二年的資格審查程式,終於選擇了Cupron的技術。因此 IDF 成為全球首支軍隊選擇用含銅為原料的防菌衣物 (首個產品是襪子) 。
c.英國修咸頓大學(University of Southampton) 在實驗室測試銅的殺菌能力,在顯微鏡下看到細菌在一片銅片上,九分鐘內便全部死亡。